
The Hackathon's GeoService for HUD Data

We have a GeoService (ArcGIS REST API) available for the hackathon.

The Base URL:

All datasets are currently hosted on ArcGIS Online's Open Data portal which provides the GeoService API. All layers may be accessed at the following location:<the layer's UID>/arcgis/rest/services/MultiFamilyProperties/FeatureServer/0/

You can find this address by navigating to the layer descritpion page at, selecting 'Download Dataset' and copying the GeoService address from the API dropdown menu.

The GeoService API link will provide the REST query service which also provides links to the service's metadata. To query the layer, you can either construct a query string manually or use the online form provided.

To use the GeoService, navigate to the layer in question and pull the base url from the opendata page*&outSR=4326&objectids=1&f=geojson

Example Queries

A good place to begin is in collecting all the HUD subsidized Multi-Family properties.

Subsidized Multifamily Properties

The corresponding field allows you to query for all HUD subsidized MF properties:


To construct the query, we'll take the base URL, and replace the where statement "1=1" with any valid SQL where statement. So for this example, we'd construct this query:'Y'&outFields=*&outSR=4326&objectids=1&f=geojson

Project-based Section 8 Properties

A logical second step would be to query the Multi-Family Properties layer for low income, and the corresponding field for project-based Section 8 properties is:


so the query http string that returns the data in geojson looks like this:'Y'&f=pgeojson

Since we're focusing on Seattle, here's how we would set our input geometry:


We then include this directly in our query using the geometry parameter:{"xmin":-13676570.60682338,"ymin":6018679.182711435,"xmax":-13559316.205433873,"ymax":6064541.399682558,"spatialReference":{"wkid":102100}}&f=pgeojson

Multifamily Elderly and Disabled Properties

For this query, we'll need to combine a few different criteria. These include:

(1) is_sec8_202='Y'
(3) IS_PAC_811_IND='Y'
(4) IS_PRAC_811_IND='Y'

To combine critera, we can use logic statments in the URL call. To include this, add the criteria to the where statement with AND/OR between each criteria, as shown in the example below:'Y'+OR+IS_PAC_811_IND='Y'+OR+IS_PRAC_811_IND='Y'&f=pgeojson

Lastly, lets trim the results down to return Seattle results only.'Seattle'+AND+(IS_811_CAPITAL_ADVANCE_IND='Y'+OR+IS_PAC_811_IND='Y'+OR+IS_PRAC_811_IND='Y')&f=pgeojson

All Query Parameters

Parameter Description
Where A where clause for the query filter. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed.
Object IDs The object IDs of this layer/table to be queried.
Time The time instant or the time extent to query.
Time instant
Syntax:  time=timeInstant
Example:  time=1199145600000
Time extent
Syntax:  time=startTime, endTime
Example:  time=1199145600000, 1230768000000
Input Geometry The geometry to apply as the spatial filter. The structure of the geometry is the same as the structure of the json geometry objects returned by the ArcGIS REST API. In addition to the json structures, for envelopes and points, you can specify the geometry with a simpler comma-separated syntax.
  • json structures:  geometryType=<geometryType>&geometry={geometry}
  • Envelope simple syntax:  geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&geometry=<xmin>,<ymin>,<xmax>,<ymax>}
  • Point simple syntax:  geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&geometry=<x>,<y>
  • geometryType=<geometryType>&geometry={xmin: -104, ymin: 35.6, xmax: -94.32, ymax: 41}
  • geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&geometry=-104,35.6,-94.32,41
  • geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&geometry=-104,35.6
Geometry Type The type of geometry specified by the geometry parameter. The geometry type can be an envelope, point, line, or polygon. The default geometry type is an envelope.
Values: esriGeometryPoint | esriGeometryMultipoint | esriGeometryPolyline | esriGeometryPolygon | esriGeometryEnvelope
Input Spatial Reference The spatial relationship to be applied on the input geometry while performing the query. The supported spatial relationships include intersects, contains, envelope intersects, within, etc. The default spatial relationship is intersects (esriSpatialRelIntersects). Options are:  intersects, contains, crosses, envelope intersects, index intersects, overlaps, touches, and within.
Distance Distance to buffer input geometry.
Units Return distance values in the specified units. Options are meters, miles, feet, kilometers, nautical miles, and US nautical miles.
Out Fields Attribute fields to include in response. Default is all (*).
Return Geometry Boolean parameter. If 'true', each feature in the FeatureSet includes the geometry.
Max Allowable Offset The maximum allowable offset used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation.
Geometry Precision Specify the number of decimal places for the geometries returned by the query operation.
Output Spatial Reference The spatial reference for the returned geometry.
Return IDs Only If true, the response only includes an array of object IDs. Otherwise the response is a feature set. The default is false.
Return Count Only If true, the response only includes the count (number of features/records) that would be returned by a query. Otherwise the response is a feature set. The default is false. This option supersedes the returnIdsOnly parameter.
Return Extent Only Boolean parameter set to return the query features extent only.
Order By Fields One or more field names using the features/records that need to be ordered. Use ASC or DESC for ascending or desending order respectively.
Group By Fields Group by fields (for statistics).
Output Statistics The definitions for one or more field-based statistics to be calculated.
Result Offset This option can be used for fetching query results by skipping the specified number of records and starts from the next record (i.e.resultOffset + 1th). The Default is 0.
Result Record Count This option can be used for fetching query results up to the resultRecordCount specified. When resultOffset is specified but this parameter is not, map service defaults it to maxRecordCount. The maximum value for this parameter is the value of the layer's maxRecordCount property.
ReturnZ If true, the Z values will be included in the results if the features have Z values. Otherwise Z values are not returned. The default is false.
ReturnM If true, M values will be included in the results if the features have m values. Otherwise, M values are not returned. The default is false.
Quantization Parameters Used to project the geometry onto a virtual grid, likely representing pixels on the screen.
Format The response format. Default format is html but options include html, json, and geojson

Data Dictionaries

Public Housing Developments

Column Name Column Description
OBJECTID In ArcGIS, a system-managed value that uniquely identifies a record or feature.
PARTICIPANT_CODE PHA code of the PHA administering the FSS contract.
FORMAL_PARTICIPANT_NAME Business title of the participant used in addresses and letterhead.
DEVELOPMENT_CODE A code that uniquely identifies a project or a development.
PROJECT_NAME The name of the physical development.
SCATTERED_SITE_IND An indicator, which determines whether or not a physical development is made up of scattered buildings/units.
PD_STATUS_TYPE_CODE Defines the status of the physical development. D (Development), M (Management) and T(Terminated).
TOTAL_UNITS total_units_count The number of total units associated with the participant.
TOTAL_DWELLING_UNITS summ_total_dwelling_unit_count The count of the entire dwelling building structures within the Physical Development.
ACC_UNITS summ_acc_unit_count The total number of all the acc units within the HA.
TOTAL_OCCUPIED summ_occupied_unit_count The total number of all the occupied units within the Building Entrance.
REGULAR_VACANT summ_vacant_unit_count The total number of all the vacant units within the Building Entrance.
PHA_TOTAL_UNITS Number of units under contract for federal subsidy and available for occupancy
PCT_OCCUPIED Occupied units as the % of units available.
NUMBER_REPORTED Number of households for which reports were received (These are households reported as of 12/2000 with effective dates spanning the prior 18 months.)
PCT_REPORTED Households for which reports were received, as % of occupied units. (These are households reported as of 12/2000 with effective dates spanning the prior 18 months.)
MONTHS_SINCE_REPORT Average number of months since manager reported on household. (Calculations exclude zero values and missing values.)
PCT_MOVEIN % in program less than a year (the difference between the effective date and the date of admission: type of action = 1).
PEOPLE_PER_UNIT Average size of household (with decimal point and place, e.g., 2.5). (Excludes zerovalues and missing values.)
PEOPLE_TOTAL Total number of people (shown in thousands).
RENT_PER_MONTH Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities). (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
SPENDING_PER_MONTH Average federal spending per unit per month (not fully comparable across programs). For public housing, sum of the operating subsidy and capital improvement cost is divided by the total number of occupied units (such spending data is available at the PHA level only). For tenant-based Section 8, Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation, and Multifamily Assisted, the housing assistance payment (HAP) is divided by the total number of reported households. An amount is added for administrative cost in Section 8 tenant based and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation. (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
HH_INCOME Average total household income per year (shown in thousands of dollars per year with decimal point). (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PERSON_INCOME Average household income per person per year (shown in thousands of dollars per year with decimal point). (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all members of households.)
PCT_LT5K % below $5,000 per year.
PCT_5K_LT10K % between $5,000-$9,999 per year.
PCT_10K_LT15K % between $10,000-$14,999 per year.
PCT_15K_LT20K % between $15,000-$19,999 per year.
PCT_GE20K % $20,000 or more per year.
PCT_WAGE_MAJOR % of households where the majority of household income is derived from wages and/or business
PCT_WELFARE_MAJOR % of households where the majority of household income is derived from welfare (TANF, General Assistance, or Public Assistance).
PCT_OTHER_MAJOR % of households where the majority of household income is derived from a source other than wage and welfare.
PCT_MEDIAN Household income as a percent of local area median family income, as defined by HUD, and adjusted for household size. (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PCT_LT50_MEDIAN % of households with income below 50% of local area median family income, as defined by HUD, adjusted for household size (refer to the downloadable file only, not in published report). (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PCT_LT30_MEDIAN % of households with income below 30% of local area median family income, as defined by HUD, adjusted for household size. (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PCT_2ADULTS % with two spouses and 1 or more children under 18 years.
PCT_1ADULT % where spouse not present and 1 or more children under 18 years.
PCT_FEMALE_HEAD % of households headed by a female.
PCT_FEMALE_HEAD_CHILD % of households headed by a female with children.
PCT_DISABLED_LT62 % of households below age 62 where either household head or spouse (or cohead)has a disability.
PCT_DISABLED_GE62 % of households age 62 or older where either household head or spouse (or cohead) has a disability.
PCT_DISABLED_ALL % of all persons in household with a disability.
PCT_LT24_HEAD % 24 or less years: household head or spouse (whoever is older).
PCT_AGE25_50 % 25 to 50 years: household head or spouse (whoever is older).
PCT_AGE51_61 % 51 to 61 years: household head or spouse (whoever is older).
PCT_AGE62PLUS % age 62 and older.
PCT_AGE85PLUS % age 85 and older.
PCT_MINORITY % Minority.
PCT_BLACK % Black, non-Hispanic.
PCT_NATIVE_AMERICAN % Native American, non-Hispanic.
PCT_ASIAN % Asian or Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic.
PCT_HISPANIC % Hispanic (of any race).
MONTHS_WAITING Average months on waiting list among admissions. Excludes programs that do not report waiting list dates. (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
MONTHS_FROM_MOVEIN Average months since moved in. (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
PCT_UTILITY_ALLOW % with valid utility allowance ($1 to $1000). This is an estimate of the utilities that the household pays to the utility company. It is zero if all utilities are included in the rent.
AVE_UTIL_ALLOW Average utility allowance among households who have it (in $ per month). (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
PCT_BED1 % of households with 0- or 1-bedroom units (efficiencies and one-bedrooms).
PCT_BED2 % of households with 2-bedroom units.
PCT_BED3 % of households with 3- or more bedroom units.
PCT_OVERHOUSED % overhoused (households with more bedrooms than people).
TMINORITY Minorities as % of total population in the census tract where HUD assisted families reside (Census 2000 designation)
TPOVERTY Percent of the population below poverty level, in census tract where HUD assisted households reside (Census 2000 designation)
TPCT_OWNSFD % of households who are owner-occupants of single-family detached homes in the census tract that surrounds the project.
STATE2KX Census 2010 FIPS State Code
CNTY_NM2KX Census 2010 County Name
CNTY2KX Census 2010 FIPS County Code
TRACT2KX Census 2010 Tract
BG2KX Census 2010 Block Group
BLOCK2KX Census 2010 Block ID
DPVACT DPV Vacancy Flag
DPVNOST DPV "No Stat" Flag
CURCNTY_NM Current FIPS County Name
CURCNTY Current FIPS County Code
CURCOSUB Current County Subdivision Code (MCD/CC
CURCOSUB_NM Current County Subdivision Name (MCD/CC
PLACE_CC2KX FIPS Place Class Code
PLACE_INC2KX FIPS Place Incorporated Flag
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area Code
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area
CBSA_NM Core Based Statistical Area, Lowest Level N
NECTA New England City and Town Area, Lowest Le
NECTA_NM NECTA Lowest Level Name
METRO CBSA Metropolitan Area Indicator
MICRO CBSA Micropolitan Area Indicator
FCD_FIPS91 Federal Congressional District (FIPS 9.1 std.)
HLC HUD Locality Code
DPV DPV Return Code
DPVRC Delivery Point Validation(DPV) Indicator
STD_ADDR USPS Standardized Address
URB_OUT Puerto Rico Urbanization Name
STD_CITY USPS Standardized City Name
STD_ST USPS Standardized State Abbreviation
STD_ZIP5 USPS Standardized ZIP Code
STD_ZIP9 USPS Standardized ZIP+4 Code
ZIP_CLASS Type of Zip Code
ZCTA2KX Census 2010 Zip Code Tabulation Area
DPBC Delivery Point Bar Code
DPBC_CKSUM Delivery Point Bar Code, Check Digit
STD_ZIP11 Postnet Bar Code
ADDR_TYPE USPS Address Type "" - no match, "S" - House/Street match, "H" - Highrise, "P" - PO Box, "G" - General Delivery, "R" - Rural Route/Highway Contract
APT_NO Apartment Number
APT_TYPE Apartment Type; Contains the secondary address type abbreviation (Apt = Apartment, Ste = Suite, # = Apartment, RM = Room, FL = Floor, etc..)
C1PGRC General Return Code
C1PPRB Address Match Probability
C1PDRC Directional Return Code
C1PSRC Suffix Return Code
C1PARC Apartment Return Code
C1PZRC ZIP Return Code
MSGUSPS Postal Matcher Status Message
LAT Latitude (decimal)
LON Longitude (decimal)
RC2KX Census 2010 Geocoder General Return Code
STM2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code
LVL2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Geocoding Return Code
UR Urban/Rural Indicator
MSG2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Level Status
COUNTY_LEVEL 5 character combination of state and county FIPS codes
PLACE_LEVEL 7 characters. For CDBG Entitlement Cities, this is the CDBG ID. For Urban Counties and State Nonentitlement Areas, is a concatenation of state and place FIPS codes
TRACT_LEVEL 11 character combination of state, county, and Census Tract codes
BLKGRP_LEVEL 17 character combination of State, county, place, county subdivision, tract, Urban/Rural (UR), block group
SHAPE The characteristic appearance or visible form of a geographic object as represented on a map

Public Housing Authorities

Column Name Column Description
OBJECTID In ArcGIS, a system-managed value that uniquely identifies a record or feature.
PARTICIPANT_CODE PHA code of the PHA administering the FSS contract.
FORMAL_PARTICIPANT_NAME Business title of the participant used in addresses and letterhead.
EXEC_DIR_PHONE Phone Number of Executive Director
EXEC_DIR_FAX Fax Number of Executive Director
EXEC_DIR_EMAIL Email of Executive Director
PHAS_DESIGNATION The overall performance of PHA derived from the phas_designation_type_code field: Advisory, High Performer, Standard Performer, Substandard Financial, Substandard Physical and Troubled Performer
HA_LOW_RENT_SIZE_CATEGORY Extra Large (10,000+), Large (1,250 - 9,999), Medium High (500 - 1,249), Medium Low (250 - 499), Small (50 - 249), Very Small (1 - 49) and No units
HA_SECTION_8_SIZE_CATEGORY Extra Large (10,000+), Large (1,250 - 9,999), Medium High (500 - 1,249), Medium Low (250 - 499), Small (50 - 249), Very Small (1 - 49) and No units
HA_COMBINED_SIZE_CATEGORY Extra Large (10,000+), Large (1,250 - 9,999), Medium High (500 - 1,249), Medium Low (250 - 499), Small (50 - 249), Very Small (1 - 49) and No units
HA_FYE ha_fy_end_month
HA_PROGRAM_TYPE A code that uniquely identifies the participant program type and is derived from participant_program_type. Combined, Low-Rent and Section 8.
TOTAL_UNITS total_units_count The number of total units associated with the participant.
TOTAL_DWELLING_UNITS summ_total_dwelling_unit_count The total number of all the dwelling units within the HA.
ACC_UNITS summ_acc_unit_count The total number of all the acc units within the HA.
TOTAL_OCCUPIED summ_occupied_unit_count The total number of all the occupied units within the HA.
REGULAR_VACANT summ_vacant_unit_count The total number of all the vacant units within the HA.
SECTION8_UNITS_CNT total_section_8_unit_count Total Section 8 units for an HA.
PHA_TOTAL_UNITS Number of units under contract for federal subsidy and available for occupancy
STATE2KX Census 2010 FIPS State Code
CNTY_NM2KX Census 2010 County Name
CNTY2KX Census 2010 FIPS County Code
TRACT2KX Census 2010 Tract
BG2KX Census 2010 Block Group
BLOCK2KX Census 2010 Block ID
DPVACT DPV Vacancy Flag
DPVNOST DPV "No Stat" Flag
CURCNTY_NM Current FIPS County Name
CURCNTY Current FIPS County Code
CURCOSUB Current County Subdivision Code (MCD/CC
CURCOSUB_NM Current County Subdivision Name (MCD/CC
PLACE_CC2KX FIPS Place Class Code
PLACE_INC2KX FIPS Place Incorporated Flag
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area Code
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area
CBSA_NM Core Based Statistical Area, Lowest Level N
NECTA New England City and Town Area, Lowest Le
NECTA_NM NECTA Lowest Level Name
METRO CBSA Metropolitan Area Indicator
MICRO CBSA Micropolitan Area Indicator
FCD_FIPS91 Federal Congressional District (FIPS 9.1 std.)
HLC HUD Locality Code
DPV DPV Return Code
DPVRC Delivery Point Validation(DPV) Indicator
STD_ADDR USPS Standardized Address
URB_OUT Puerto Rico Urbanization Name
STD_CITY USPS Standardized City Name
STD_ST USPS Standardized State Abbreviation
STD_ZIP5 USPS Standardized ZIP Code
STD_ZIP9 USPS Standardized ZIP+4 Code
ZIP_CLASS Type of Zip Code
ZCTA2KX Census 2010 Zip Code Tabulation Area
DPBC Delivery Point Bar Code
DPBC_CKSUM Delivery Point Bar Code, Check Digit
STD_ZIP11 Postnet Bar Code
ADDR_TYPE USPS Address Type "" - no match, "S" - House/Street match, "H" - Highrise, "P" - PO Box, "G" - General Delivery, "R" - Rural Route/Highway Contract
APT_NO Apartment Number
APT_TYPE Apartment Type; Contains the secondary address type abbreviation (Apt = Apartment, Ste = Suite, # = Apartment, RM = Room, FL = Floor, etc..)
C1PGRC General Return Code
C1PPRB Address Match Probability
C1PDRC Directional Return Code
C1PSRC Suffix Return Code
C1PARC Apartment Return Code
C1PZRC ZIP Return Code
MSGUSPS Postal Matcher Status Message
LAT Latitude (decimal)
LON Longitude (decimal)
RC2KX Census 2010 Geocoder General Return Code
STM2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code
LVL2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Geocoding Return Code
UR Urban/Rural Indicator
MSG2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Level Status
COUNTY_LEVEL 5 character combination of state and county FIPS codes
PLACE_LEVEL 7 characters. For CDBG Entitlement Cities, this is the CDBG ID. For Urban Counties and State Nonentitlement Areas, is a concatenation of state and place FIPS codes
TRACT_LEVEL 11 character combination of state, county, and Census Tract codes
BLKGRP_LEVEL 17 character combination of State, county, place, county subdivision, tract, Urban/Rural (UR), block group
SHAPE The characteristic appearance or visible form of a geographic object as represented on a map

Public Housing Buildings

Column Name Column Description
OBJECTID In ArcGIS, a system-managed value that uniquely identifies a record or feature.
PARTICIPANT_CODE PHA code of the PHA administering the FSS contract.
FORMAL_PARTICIPANT_NAME Business title of the participant used in addresses and letterhead.
DEVELOPMENT_CODE A code that uniquely identifies a project or a development.
PROJECT_NAME The name of the physical development.
BUILDING_NAME The name of the building.
BUILDING_NUMBER A number, which uniquely identifies the building.
BUILDING_TYPE_CODE A code uniquely identifying the type of building structure and includes ES (Elevator Structure), NDS (Non Dwelling Structure), RW, SD, SF, WU and MX (Mixed Type).
BUILDING_STATUS_TYPE_CODE A code, which uniquely identifies the status of a building entrance. The different building_status_type_codes include DDAPRD (DemoDispo -Approved), DDDRFT (DemoDispo - TBD)
CONSTRUCT_DATE The date on which the building construction was completed.
NATIONAL_BUILDING_ID A unique ID assigned to each building.
TOTAL_UNITS total_units_count The number of total units associated with the participant.
TOTAL_DWELLING_UNITS summ_total_dwelling_unit_count The count of the entire dwelling building structures within the Physical Development.
ACC_UNITS summ_acc_unit_count The total number of all the acc units within the HA.
TOTAL_OCCUPIED summ_occupied_unit_count The total number of all the occupied units within the Building Entrance.
REGULAR_VACANT summ_vacant_unit_count The total number of all the vacant units within the Building Entrance.
PHA_TOTAL_UNITS Number of units under contract for federal subsidy and available for occupancy
PCT_OCCUPIED Occupied units as the % of units available.
NUMBER_REPORTED Number of households for which reports were received (These are households reported as of 12/2000 with effective dates spanning the prior 18 months.)
PCT_REPORTED Households for which reports were received, as % of occupied units. (These are households reported as of 12/2000 with effective dates spanning the prior 18 months.)
MONTHS_SINCE_REPORT Average number of months since manager reported on household. (Calculations exclude zero values and missing values.)
PCT_MOVEIN % in program less than a year (the difference between the effective date and the date of admission: type of action = 1).
PEOPLE_PER_UNIT Average size of household (with decimal point and place, e.g., 2.5). (Excludes zerovalues and missing values.)
PEOPLE_TOTAL Total number of people (shown in thousands).
RENT_PER_MONTH Average gross household contribution towards rent per month (includes payment toward rent and utilities). (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
SPENDING_PER_MONTH Average federal spending per unit per month (not fully comparable across programs). For public housing, sum of the operating subsidy and capital improvement cost is divided by the total number of occupied units (such spending data is available at the PHA level only). For tenant-based Section 8, Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation, and Multifamily Assisted, the housing assistance payment (HAP) is divided by the total number of reported households. An amount is added for administrative cost in Section 8 tenant based and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation. (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
HH_INCOME Average total household income per year (shown in thousands of dollars per year with decimal point). (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PERSON_INCOME Average household income per person per year (shown in thousands of dollars per year with decimal point). (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all members of households.)
PCT_LT5K % below $5,000 per year.
PCT_5K_LT10K % between $5,000-$9,999 per year.
PCT_10K_LT15K % between $10,000-$14,999 per year.
PCT_15K_LT20K % between $15,000-$19,999 per year.
PCT_GE20K % $20,000 or more per year.
PCT_WAGE_MAJOR % of households where the majority of household income is derived from wages and/or business
PCT_WELFARE_MAJOR % of households where the majority of household income is derived from welfare (TANF, General Assistance, or Public Assistance).
PCT_OTHER_MAJOR % of households where the majority of household income is derived from a source other than wage and welfare.
PCT_MEDIAN Household income as a percent of local area median family income, as defined by HUD, and adjusted for household size. (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PCT_LT50_MEDIAN % of households with income below 50% of local area median family income, as defined by HUD, adjusted for household size (refer to the downloadable file only, not in published report). (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PCT_LT30_MEDIAN % of households with income below 30% of local area median family income, as defined by HUD, adjusted for household size. (Numerator includes zero income but excludes missing income; denominator includes all households.)
PCT_2ADULTS % with two spouses and 1 or more children under 18 years.
PCT_1ADULT % where spouse not present and 1 or more children under 18 years.
PCT_FEMALE_HEAD % of households headed by a female.
PCT_FEMALE_HEAD_CHILD % of households headed by a female with children.
PCT_DISABLED_LT62 % of households below age 62 where either household head or spouse (or cohead)has a disability.
PCT_DISABLED_GE62 % of households age 62 or older where either household head or spouse (or cohead) has a disability.
PCT_DISABLED_ALL % of all persons in household with a disability.
PCT_LT24_HEAD % 24 or less years: household head or spouse (whoever is older).
PCT_AGE25_50 % 25 to 50 years: household head or spouse (whoever is older).
PCT_AGE51_61 % 51 to 61 years: household head or spouse (whoever is older).
PCT_AGE62PLUS % age 62 and older.
PCT_AGE85PLUS % age 85 and older.
PCT_MINORITY % Minority.
PCT_BLACK % Black, non-Hispanic.
PCT_NATIVE_AMERICAN % Native American, non-Hispanic.
PCT_ASIAN % Asian or Pacific Islander, non-Hispanic.
PCT_HISPANIC % Hispanic (of any race).
MONTHS_WAITING Average months on waiting list among admissions. Excludes programs that do not report waiting list dates. (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
MONTHS_FROM_MOVEIN Average months since moved in. (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
PCT_UTILITY_ALLOW % with valid utility allowance ($1 to $1000). This is an estimate of the utilities that the household pays to the utility company. It is zero if all utilities are included in the rent.
AVE_UTIL_ALLOW Average utility allowance among households who have it (in $ per month). (Excludes zero values and missing values.)
PCT_BED1 % of households with 0- or 1-bedroom units (efficiencies and one-bedrooms).
PCT_BED2 % of households with 2-bedroom units.
PCT_BED3 % of households with 3- or more bedroom units.
PCT_OVERHOUSED % overhoused (households with more bedrooms than people).
TMINORITY Minorities as % of total population in the census tract where HUD assisted families reside (Census 2000 designation)
TPOVERTY Percent of the population below poverty level, in census tract where HUD assisted households reside (Census 2000 designation)
TPCT_OWNSFD % of households who are owner-occupants of single-family detached homes in the census tract that surrounds the project.
STATE2KX Census 2010 FIPS State Code
CNTY_NM2KX Census 2010 County Name
CNTY2KX Census 2010 FIPS County Code
TRACT2KX Census 2010 Tract
BG2KX Census 2010 Block Group
BLOCK2KX Census 2010 Block ID
DPVACT DPV Vacancy Flag
DPVNOST DPV "No Stat" Flag
CURCNTY_NM Current FIPS County Name
CURCNTY Current FIPS County Code
CURCOSUB Current County Subdivision Code (MCD/CC
CURCOSUB_NM Current County Subdivision Name (MCD/CC
PLACE_CC2KX FIPS Place Class Code
PLACE_INC2KX FIPS Place Incorporated Flag
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area Code
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area
CBSA_NM Core Based Statistical Area, Lowest Level N
NECTA New England City and Town Area, Lowest Le
NECTA_NM NECTA Lowest Level Name
METRO CBSA Metropolitan Area Indicator
MICRO CBSA Micropolitan Area Indicator
FCD_FIPS91 Federal Congressional District (FIPS 9.1 std.)
HLC HUD Locality Code
DPV DPV Return Code
DPVRC Delivery Point Validation(DPV) Indicator
STD_ADDR USPS Standardized Address
URB_OUT Puerto Rico Urbanization Name
STD_CITY USPS Standardized City Name
STD_ST USPS Standardized State Abbreviation
STD_ZIP5 USPS Standardized ZIP Code
STD_ZIP9 USPS Standardized ZIP+4 Code
ZIP_CLASS Type of Zip Code
ZCTA2KX Census 2010 Zip Code Tabulation Area
DPBC Delivery Point Bar Code
DPBC_CKSUM Delivery Point Bar Code, Check Digit
STD_ZIP11 Postnet Bar Code
ADDR_TYPE USPS Address Type "" - no match, "S" - House/Street match, "H" - Highrise, "P" - PO Box, "G" - General Delivery, "R" - Rural Route/Highway Contract
APT_NO Apartment Number
APT_TYPE Apartment Type; Contains the secondary address type abbreviation (Apt = Apartment, Ste = Suite, # = Apartment, RM = Room, FL = Floor, etc..)
C1PGRC General Return Code
C1PPRB Address Match Probability
C1PDRC Directional Return Code
C1PSRC Suffix Return Code
C1PARC Apartment Return Code
C1PZRC ZIP Return Code
MSGUSPS Postal Matcher Status Message
LAT Latitude (decimal)
LON Longitude (decimal)
RC2KX Census 2010 Geocoder General Return Code
STM2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code
LVL2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Geocoding Return Code
UR Urban/Rural Indicator
MSG2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Level Status
COUNTY_LEVEL 5 character combination of state and county FIPS codes
PLACE_LEVEL 7 characters. For CDBG Entitlement Cities, this is the CDBG ID. For Urban Counties and State Nonentitlement Areas, is a concatenation of state and place FIPS codes
TRACT_LEVEL 11 character combination of state, county, and Census Tract codes
BLKGRP_LEVEL 17 character combination of State, county, place, county subdivision, tract, Urban/Rural (UR), block group
SHAPE The characteristic appearance or visible form of a geographic object as represented on a map

Multi-Family Properties

Column Name Column Description
OBJECTID In ArcGIS, a system-managed value that uniquely identifies a record or feature.
PROPERTY_ID The identifier assigned by the HEREMS database that identifies the active property.
HUB_NAME_TEXT The name of the HUD hub responsiblefor the active property's HUD servicing site.
SERVICING_SITE_NAME_TEXT The name of the HUD servicing site responsible for the management/servicing functions for the active property.
PROJECT_MANAGER_NAME_TEXT The name of the active property's project manager.
PROPERTY_NAME_TEXT The recorded name of the active property.
ADDRESS_LINE1_TEXT The primary street address or the first line of the mailing address for the active property.
ADDRESS_LINE2_TEXT The primary suite number, PO box or other information for the second line of the mailing address for the active property.
AUTOMATIC_GEOCODE_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the Geocode information in the primary address for the active property has been automatically set or manually set by the user (N indicates the address has been set by the user).
CONGRESSIONAL_DISTRICT_CODE The congressional district code for the active property.
PLACED_BASE_CITY_NAME_TEXT The name of the standard place based
city for the active property.
TOTAL_ASSISTED_UNIT_COUNT The total number of assisted units for
the active property.
TOTAL_UNIT_COUNT The total number of units for the active property.
PROPERTY_ON_SITE_PHONE_NUMBER The phone number for the active property's on site property manager.
PROPERTY_CATEGORY_NAME The category name for the active property in terms of the following:
202/811, Insured-Subsidized, Insured - Previously Subsidized, Insured-Unsubsidized, HUD Owned, HUD Held, Subsidized - Previously 202/811, Subsidized - Previously Insured Subsidized, No HUD Financing, Flexible Subsidy
Use Restriction, Other Subsidy Servicing Required (Only)
CLIENT_GROUP_CODE The code that identifies the primary population or need served by the active property.
CLIENT_GROUP_NAME The name that describes the primary population or need served by the active property.
CLIENT_GROUP_TYPE The broad category for the primary population or need served by the active property i.e., Disabled, Elderly, Family, or Health Care.
REAC_LAST_INSPECTION_ID The identifier assigned to the latest REAC physical inspection associated with the active property.
REAC_LAST_INSPECTION_SCORE The score of the latest REAC physical inspection associated with the active property.
FASS_LAST_PERFORMANCE_VALUE The performance value of the latest AFS submission for the latest reporting period associated with the active property.
FASS_LST_TOT_MGMT_COND_CNT The total number of management conditions in the latest AFS submission for the latest reporting period associated with the active property.
FASS_LAST_REFERRED_TO_CODE The organization to which the compliance review was referred for the latest AFS submission for the latest reporting period associated with the active property
IS_AFS_REQUIRED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether an AFS is required for the active property.
AFS_FISCAL_YR_END_DATE The AFS fiscal year end for the active property, in the format of month and year.
HAS_ACTIVE_FINANCING_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is active financing for the active property.
PRIMARY_FINANCING_TYPE The primary type of financing for the
active property in terms of the following: Insured, 202/811, HUD Owned, HUD Held, Non-Insured, Flexible Subsidy
IS_ALL_FINANCING_PIPELINE_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether all of the active financing for the active property is in the pipeline.
IS_ALL_CONTRACT_PIPELINE_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether all of the active contracts for the active property are in the pipeline.
IS_UNDER_MANAGEMENT_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the active property is under management.
HAS_SERVICE_AGREEMENT_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether an active Service Agreement exists for the active property.
HAS_USE_RESTRICTION_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether an active Use Restriction exists for the active property.
HAS_ACTIVE_IRP_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether or not an active interest reduction payment agreement is associated with the property.
IS_SERVICE_COORDINATOR_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active service coordinator contractsor grants for the active property.
PRIMARY_FHA_NUMBER The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) number assigned to the primary loan for the active property when it has active insurance.
ASSOCIATED_FHA_NUMBER The FHA number associated with the active property.
ASSOCIATED_CONTRACT_NUMBER The contract number associated with the active property.
TROUBLED_CODE A code that identifies if the active property is considered troubled by the field office.
OPIIS_RISK_CATEGORY Per the OPIIS documentation, the property risk category classifies a property based on its calculated risk score (opiis_int_risk_score.) Higher scores indicate higher risk profile. A property is considered to have a 'Low' level of risk if the score is 0-29. Properties with a score of 30-39 are assigned a 'Moderate' category, and properties with a score of 40 and over are assigned a 'High' category.
OPIIS_SIZE_CATEGORY Per the OPIIS documentation, the property size category classifies a property based on loan size.
Properties with higher Unpaid Principal Balances (UPB) are expected to have a higher impact to FHA in the event of
failure. 'Very Low' = &lt 300K, 'Low' = &lt 300K and &lt 800K, 'Low Medium' = &gt 800K and &lt 2MM, 'High Medium' = &gt 2MM and &lt 5MM, 'Large' = &gt 5MM and &lt 10MM, 'Very Large' = &gt 10MM
OPIIS_INT_RISK_SCORE This is the discrete numeric value calculated by OPIIS in order to determine a property's level of risk.
IS_ACTIVE_DEC_CASE_IND A Y/N flag that indicates whether or not a property is currently in the DEC.
WAS_EVER_DEC_CASE_IND A Y/N flag that indicates whether or not a currently active property is currently or was ever in the DEC.
IS_INSURED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active insured financing for the active property.
WAS_EVER_INSURED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the currently active property was ever (i.e., is currently or was previously)
IS_202_811_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active 202/811 grants/loans for the active property.
WAS_EVER_202_811_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the currently active property ever had (i.e., is currently or was previously) any
202/811 loans/grants.
IS_HUD_HELD_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active HUD-held loans for the active property.
IS_HUD_OWNED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the active property is HUD-owned.
IS_FLEXIBLE_SUBSIDY_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active flexible subsidy loans for the active property.
IS_HOSPITAL_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active hospital loans for the active property.
IS_NURSING_HOME_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active nursing home loans for the active property.
IS_BOARD_AND_CARE_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active board and care facility loans for the active property.
IS_ASSISTED_LIVING_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active assisted living facility loans for the active property.
IS_REFINANCED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active refinanced loans for the active property.
IS_221D3_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active 221/d3 loans for the active property.
IS_221D4_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active 221/d4 loans for the active property.
IS_236_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active 236 loans for the active property.
IS_IN_DEFAULT_DELINQUENT_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether or not a loan is delinquent or in default per MDDR.
IS_NON_INSURED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active non-insured loans for the active property.
IS_BMIR_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Below Market Interest Rate (BMIR) loans for the active property.
IS_RISK_SHARING_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active risk sharing loans for the active property.
IS_MIP_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active Mortgagee in Possession (MIP) loans for the active property.
IS_CO_INSURED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active co-insured loans for the active property.
IS_SUBSIDIZED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the active property is subsidized.
WAS_EVER_SUBSIDIZED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the currently active property was ever (i.e., is currently or was previously)
HAS_ACTIVE_ASSISTANCE_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active assistance for the active property.
WAS_EVER_ASSISTED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether the currently active property was ever (i.e., is currently or was previously)
IS_ACC_OLD_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active old Annual Contributions Contracts (ACCs) for the active property.
IS_ACC_PERFORMANCE_BASED_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active performancebased ACC contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Section 8 contracts for the active property.
IS_PAC_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Project Assistance Contracts (PACs) for the active property.
IS_PRAC_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Project Rental Assistance Contracts (PRACs) for the active property.
IS_RENT_SUPPLEMENT_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active rental supplement contracts for the active property.
IS_SECTION_236_RAP_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Section 236 Rental Assistance Payments (RAP) contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_202_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Section 8 202 contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_FMHA_515_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Section 8 Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) 515 contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_STATE_AGENCY_HFA_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Section 8 state agency Housing Federal Authority (HFA) contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_LMSA_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Section 8 Loan Management Set-Aside (LMSA) contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_PRPRTY_DISPOSITION_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active property disposition contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_PRESERVATION_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there are any active Section 8 preservation contracts for the active property.
IS_SEC8_OTHR_NW_CNSTRCTION_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active Section 8 other new construction contracts for the active
IS_SEC8_OTHER_SUB_REHAB_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active Section 8 other sub rehab contracts for the active property.
IS_PENSION_FUND_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active pension fund contracts for the active property.
IS_PAC_202_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active PAC 202 contracts for the active property.
IS_PAC_811_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active PAC 811 contracts for the active property.
IS_PRAC_202_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active PRAC 202 contracts for the active property.
IS_PRAC_811_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether there is any active PRAC 811 contracts for the active property.
HAS_FULL_DEBT_RESTRUCTURE_IND Identifies if the property has a restructured loan associated with it, as defined from MDDR.
LAST_CRITICAL_DATE_DESC This is the description of the latest critical item tracked in MDDR for this property
OAHP_PROJECT_RECOMMENDATION_TX The comments or recommentdations from OAHP for the project
OAHP_PROCESSING_TYPE This is the translated description of the type of restructuring for the property.
IS_ON_WATCH_LIST_IND This indicates whether the property is on the Watch List.
IS_GREEN_RETROFIT_IND This indicates whether the property has a green retrofit loan associated to it
IS_202_DIRECT_LOAN_IND This indicates whether the property has a 202 direct loan associated to it
IS_202_CAPITAL_ADVANCE_IND This indicates whether the property has a 202 capital advance loan associated to it
IS_811_CAPITAL_ADVANCE_IND This indicates whether the property has a 811 capital advance loan associated to it
ENERGY_PERFORMANCE_CONTRCT_IND Indicates if the property has a energy performance contract
IS_SEC8_RAD_DEMO_CONV_IND This indicates wheter the property has a RAD contract associated to it.
FINANCIAL_STMNT_REQ_IND A yes/no indicator signifying whether an AFS is required for the active property
IS_811_PRA_DEMO_IND Indicates if there is a active_contract.is_811_pra_demo_ind contract set to Y or N
CONTRACT1 Active contract # 1 associated with the property
CONTRACT2 Active contract # 2 associated with the property
CONTRACT_COUNT Total number of active contracts associated with the property
UNITS1 The maximum number of units available on the active contract # 1
UNITS2 The maximum number of units available on the active contract # 2
MAXIMUM_CONTRACT_UNIT_COUNT Total number of units across all the active contracts associated with the property
PROGRAM_TYPE1 The name of the program type for the active contract # 1
PROGRAM_TYPE2 The name of the program type for the active contract # 2
EXPIRATION_DATE1 The fiscal year quarter in which the overall active contract expires, for active contract # 1
EXPIRATION_DATE2 The fiscal year quarter in which the overall active contract expires, for active contract # 2
BD0_CNT1 The total number of efficiencies for active contract #1
BD0_CNT2 The total number of efficiencies for active contract #2
BD1_CNT1 The total number of units with one bedroom for active contract #1
BD1_CNT2 The total number of units with one bedroom for active contract #2
BD2_CNT1 The total number of units with two bedrooms for active contract #1
BD2_CNT2 The total number of units with two bedrooms for active contract #2
BD3_CNT1 The total number of units with three bedrooms for active contract #1
BD3_CNT2 The total number of units with three bedrooms for active contract #2
BD4_CNT1 The total number of units with four bedrooms for active contract #1
BD4_CNT2 The total number of units with four bedrooms for active contract #2
BD5_CNT1 The total number of units with five or more bedrooms for active contract #1
BD5_CNT2 The total number of units with five or more bedrooms foractive contract #2
FHA_NUM1 The number assigned to identify the active financing # 1 associated with the property
FHA_NUM2 The number assigned to identify the active financing # 2 associated with the property
SOACODE1 Section of the Act Code (SoA) for active financing # 1
SOACODE2 Section of the Act Code (SoA) for active financing # 2
SOA_NAME1 Section of the Act Name (SoA) for active financing # 1
SOA_NAME2 Section of the Act Name (SoA) for active financing # 2
TAXCREDIT1 A yes/no indicator signifying whether the associated active financing # 1 in the DAP system has a tax credit
TAXCREDIT2 A yes/no indicator signifying whether the associated active financing # 2 in the DAP system has a tax credit
FHA_COUNT Total number of active financing associated with the property
STATE2KX Census 2010 FIPS State Code
CNTY_NM2KX Census 2010 County Name
CNTY2KX Census 2010 FIPS County Code
TRACT2KX Census 2010 Tract
BG2KX Census 2010 Block Group
BLOCK2KX Census 2010 Block ID
CURCNTY_NM Current FIPS County Name
CURCNTY Current FIPS County Code
CURCOSUB Current County Subdivision Code (MCD/CC
CURCOSUB_NM Current County Subdivision Name (MCD/CC
PLACE_CC2KX FIPS Place Class Code
PLACE_INC2KX FIPS Place Incorporated Flag
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area Code
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area
CBSA_NM Core Based Statistical Area, Lowest Level N
NECTA New England City and Town Area, Lowest Le
NECTA_NM NECTA Lowest Level Name
METRO CBSA Metropolitan Area Indicator
MICRO CBSA Micropolitan Area Indicator
FCD_FIPS91 Federal Congressional District (FIPS 9.1 std.)
HLC HUD Locality Code
DPV Delivery Point Validation(DPV) Indicator
DPVRC DPV Return Code
DPVACT DPV Vacancy Flag
DPVNOST DPV "No Stat" Flag
STD_ADDR USPS Standardized Address
URB_OUT Puerto Rico Urbanization Name
STD_CITY USPS Standardized City Name
STD_ST USPS Standardized State Abbreviation
STD_ZIP5 USPS Standardized ZIP Code
STD_ZIP9 USPS Standardized ZIP+4 Code
ZIP_CLASS Type of Zip Code
ZCTA2KX Census 2010 Zip Code Tabulation Area
DPBC Delivery Point Bar Code
DPBC_CKSUM Delivery Point Bar Code, Check Digit
STD_ZIP11 Postnet Bar Code
ADDR_TYPE USPS Address Type "" - no match, "S" - House/Street match, "H" - Highrise, "P" - PO Box, "G" - General Delivery, "R" - Rural Route/Highway Contract
APT_NO Apartment Number
APT_TYPE Apartment Type; Contains the secondary address type abbreviation (Apt = Apartment, Ste = Suite, # = Apartment, RM = Room, FL = Floor, etc..)
C1PGRC General Return Code
C1PPRB Address Match Probability
C1PDRC Directional Return Code
C1PSRC Suffix Return Code
C1PARC Apartment Return Code
C1PRC9 ZIP Return Code
MSGUSPS Postal Matcher Status Message
LAT Latitude (decimal)
LON Longitude (decimal)
RC2KX Census 2010 Geocoder General Return Code
STM2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return
LVL2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Geocoding L
UR Urban/Rural Indicator
MSG2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Level Status
COUNTY_LEVEL 5 character combination of state and county FIPS codes
PLACE_LEVEL 10 characters. For CDBG Entitlement Cities, this is the CDBG ID. For Urban Counties and State Nonentitlement Areas, is a concatenation of state, county, and place FIPS codes
TRACT_LEVEL 11 character combination of state, county, and Census Tract codes
BLKGRP_LEVEL 17 character combination of State, county, place, county subdivision, tract, Urban/Rural (UR), block group
CAT_LATEST_MROC_SCORE_COLOR Most recent MROC risk category
CAT_LTST_INTGRTD_RSK_SCORE_CAT Most recent IRA risk category
MTR_LATEST_DSCR Most recent Debt Service Coverage Ratio
MGMT_AGENT_ORG_NAME The registered organization name of the active property's current management agent.
MGMT_CONTACT_FULL_NAME The full name of the active property's management agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_INDV_TITLE_TEXT The official title of the active property's management agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_ADDRESS_LINE1 The street address or the first line of the mailing address for the active property's management agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_ADDRESS_LINE2 The suite number, PO box or other information for the second line of the mailing address for the active property's management agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_CITY_NAME The name of the city in the mailing address for the active property's management agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_STATE_CODE The state code in the mailing address for the active property's management
agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_ZIP4_CODE The four-digit zip code extension in the mailing address for the active property's management agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_MAIN_PHN_NBR The main phone number for the active property's management agent contact.
MGMT_CONTACT_EMAIL_TEXT The Internet email address for the active property's management agent contact.
LOAN_MATURITY_DATE The date the active financing matures.
DEMO_RESTRUCTURE_CLOSING_DATE The demo restructure closing date
REAC_LAST_INSPCT_RELEASE_DATE The date for release of the latest REAC Physical inspection data associated with the active property
MARK_TO_MARKET_RESTRUCTURE_DT The markup to market restructure date
REAC_LAST_INSPECTION_DATE The date of the latest REAC physical inspection associated with the active property.
FASS_LAST_AFS_CLOSED_DATE The close date of the AFS review of the latest AFS submission for the latest reporting period associated with the active property.
FASS_LAST_REPORTING_END_DT The end of the period covered by the latest Annual Financial Statement (AFS) submission for the latest reporting period associated with the active property.
FULL_DEBT_RESTRUCTURE_DATE The date when the debt restructure occurred
LAST_CRITICAL_DATE This is the date of the latest critical item tracked in MDDR for this property
NGHBRHD_NTWRK_EST_DATE The date the network neighborhood associated with the active property was established.
OCCUPANCY_DATE The initial date that tenants occupied the active property.
OPIIS_RISK_CATEGORY_CHANGE_DT This is the date that the OPIIS risk category last changed.
TROUBLED_STATUS_UPDATE_DATE This is the date that the troubled code was last changed in REMS
WATCH_LIST_DATE This is the date the propery was put on the Watch List.
SHAPE The characteristic appearance or visible form of a geographic object as represented on a map

Location Affordability Index

Column Name Column Description
Link to source documentation
blkgrp block group
households number of households
area_median_income area median income
blkgrp_median_income_owners block group median income (homeowners)
blkgrp_median_income_renters block group median income (renters)
avg_hh_size_owners average homeowner household size
avg_hh_size_renters average renter household size
commuters_per_hh_owners average commuters per homeowner household
commuters_per_hh_renters average commuters per renter household
pct_renters percent of units occupied by renter
gross_hh_density households per acre
median_rooms_per_owner_unit median rooms per unit for homeowners
median_rooms_per_renter_unit median rooms per unit for renters
pct_detatched_single_family_uni percent of units that are single-family detached
median_commute_distance median commute distance
block_denstiy blocks per acre
employment_access_index Employment Access Index
local_job_density Local Job Density (overall)
local_retail_job_density Local Job Density (retail)
retail_access_index Retail Access Index
hh_type1_income HH profile 1 income
hh_type1_size HH profile 1 size
hh_type1_workers HH profile 1 number of commuters
hh_type1_ht HH profile 1 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type1_h HH profile 1 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type1_t HH profile 1 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type1_autos HH profile 1 estimated autos owned
hh_type1_vmt HH profile 1 estimated annual VMT
hh_type1_transit_trips HH profile 1 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type1_ht_own HH profile 1 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type1_h_own HH profile 1 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type1_t_own HH profile 1 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type1_autos_own HH profile 1 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type1_vmt_own HH profile 1 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type1_transit_trips_own HH profile 1 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type1_ht_rent HH profile 1 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type1_h_rent HH profile 1 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type1_t_rent HH profile 1 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type1_autos_rent HH profile 1 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type1_vmt_rent HH profile 1 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type1_transit_trips_rent HH profile 1 estimated annual transit trips (renters)
hh_type2_income HH profile 2 income
hh_type2_size HH profile 2 size
hh_type2_workers HH profile 2 number of commuters
hh_type2_ht HH profile 2 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type2_h HH profile 2 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type2_t HH profile 2 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type2_autos HH profile 2 estimated autos owned
hh_type2_vmt HH profile 2 estimated annual VMT
hh_type2_transit_trips HH profile 2 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type2_ht_own HH profile 2 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type2_h_own HH profile 2 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type2_t_own HH profile 2 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type2_autos_own HH profile 2 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type2_vmt_own HH profile 2 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type2_transit_trips_own HH profile 2 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type2_ht_rent HH profile 2 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type2_h_rent HH profile 2 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type2_t_rent HH profile 2 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type2_autos_rent HH profile 2 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type2_vmt_rent HH profile 2 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type2_transit_trips_rent HH profile 2 estimated annual transit trips (renters)
hh_type3_income HH profile 3 income
hh_type3_size HH profile 3 size
hh_type3_workers HH profile 3 number of commuters
hh_type3_ht HH profile 3 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type3_h HH profile 3 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type3_t HH profile 3 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type3_autos HH profile 3 estimated autos owned
hh_type3_vmt HH profile 3 estimated annual VMT
hh_type3_transit_trips HH profile 3 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type3_ht_own HH profile 3 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type3_h_own HH profile 3 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type3_t_own HH profile 3 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type3_autos_own HH profile 3 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type3_vmt_own HH profile 3 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type3_transit_trips_own HH profile 3 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type3_ht_rent HH profile 3 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type3_h_rent HH profile 3 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type3_t_rent HH profile 3 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type3_autos_rent HH profile 3 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type3_vmt_rent HH profile 3 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type3_transit_trips_rent HH profile 3 estimated annual transit trips (renters)
hh_type4_income HH profile 4 income
hh_type4_size HH profile 4 size
hh_type4_workers HH profile 4 number of commuters
hh_type4_ht HH profile 4 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type4_h HH profile 4 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type4_t HH profile 4 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type4_autos HH profile 4 estimated autos owned
hh_type4_vmt HH profile 4 estimated annual VMT
hh_type4_transit_trips HH profile 4 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type4_ht_own HH profile 4 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type4_h_own HH profile 4 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type4_t_own HH profile 4 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type4_autos_own HH profile 4 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type4_vmt_own HH profile 4 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type4_transit_trips_own HH profile 4 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type4_ht_rent HH profile 4 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type4_h_rent HH profile 4 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type4_t_rent HH profile 4 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type4_autos_rent HH profile 4 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type4_vmt_rent HH profile 4 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type4_transit_trips_rent HH profile 4 estimated annual transit trips (renters)
hh_type5_income HH profile 5 income
hh_type5_size HH profile 5 size
hh_type5_workers HH profile 5 number of commuters
hh_type5_ht HH profile 5 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type5_h HH profile 5 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type5_t HH profile 5 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type5_autos HH profile 5 estimated autos owned
hh_type5_vmt HH profile 5 estimated annual VMT
hh_type5_transit_trips HH profile 5 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type5_ht_own HH profile 5 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type5_h_own HH profile 5 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type5_t_own HH profile 5 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type5_autos_own HH profile 5 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type5_vmt_own HH profile 5 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type5_transit_trips_own HH profile 5 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type5_ht_rent HH profile 5 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type5_h_rent HH profile 5 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type5_t_rent HH profile 5 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type5_autos_rent HH profile 5 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type5_vmt_rent HH profile 5 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type5_transit_trips_rent HH profile 5 estimated annual transit trips (renters)
hh_type6_income HH profile 6 income
hh_type6_size HH profile 6 size
hh_type6_workers HH profile 6 number of commuters
hh_type6_ht HH profile 6 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type6_h HH profile 6 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type6_t HH profile 6 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type6_autos HH profile 6 estimated autos owned
hh_type6_vmt HH profile 6 estimated annual VMT
hh_type6_transit_trips HH profile 6 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type6_ht_own HH profile 6 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type6_h_own HH profile 6 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type6_t_own HH profile 6 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type6_autos_own HH profile 6 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type6_vmt_own HH profile 6 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type6_transit_trips_own HH profile 6 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type6_ht_rent HH profile 6 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type6_h_rent HH profile 6 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type6_t_rent HH profile 6 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type6_autos_rent HH profile 6 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type6_vmt_rent HH profile 6 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type6_transit_trips_rent HH profile 6 estimated annual transit trips (renters)
hh_type7_income HH profile 7 income
hh_type7_size HH profile 7 size
hh_type7_workers HH profile 7 number of commuters
hh_type7_ht HH profile 7 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type7_h HH profile 7 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type7_t HH profile 7 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type7_autos HH profile 7 estimated autos owned
hh_type7_vmt HH profile 7 estimated annual VMT
hh_type7_transit_trips HH profile 7 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type7_ht_own HH profile 7 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type7_h_own HH profile 7 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type7_t_own HH profile 7 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type7_autos_own HH profile 7 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type7_vmt_own HH profile 7 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type7_transit_trips_own HH profile 7 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type7_ht_rent HH profile 7 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type7_h_rent HH profile 7 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type7_t_rent HH profile 7 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type7_autos_rent HH profile 7 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type7_vmt_rent HH profile 7 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type7_transit_trips_rent HH profile 7 estimated annual transit trips (renters)
hh_type8_income HH profile 8 income
hh_type8_size HH profile 8 size
hh_type8_workers HH profile 8 number of commuters
hh_type8_ht HH profile 8 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income
hh_type8_h HH profile 8 estimated housing costs % of income
hh_type8_t HH profile 8 estimated transportation costs % of income
hh_type8_autos HH profile 8 estimated autos owned
hh_type8_vmt HH profile 8 estimated annual VMT
hh_type8_transit_trips HH profile 8 estimated annual transit trips
hh_type8_ht_own HH profile 8 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (owners)
hh_type8_h_own HH profile 8 estimated housing costs % of income (owners)
hh_type8_t_own HH profile 8 estimated transportation costs % income (owners)
hh_type8_autos_own HH profile 8 estimated autos owned (owners)
hh_type8_vmt_own HH profile 8 estimated annual VMT (owners)
hh_type8_transit_trips_own HH profile 8 estimated annual transit trips (owners)
hh_type8_ht_rent HH profile 8 estimated housing+transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type8_h_rent HH profile 8 estimated housing costs % of income (renters)
hh_type8_t_rent HH profile 8 estimated transportation costs % of income (renters)
hh_type8_autos_rent HH profile 8 estimated autos owned (renters)
hh_type8_vmt_rent HH profile 8 estimated annual VMT (renters)
hh_type8_transit_trips_rent HH profile 8 estimated annual transit trips (renters)

Low-Income Housing Credit (LIHTC)

Column Name Column Description
OBJECTID In ArcGIS, a system-managed value that uniquely identifies a record or feature.
HUD_ID Unique Project Identifier for the Database characters 1-3: Allocating agency code (see table below)
digits 4-7: Year placed in service (0000 or 0001 if unknown or missing)
digits 8-10: Record number within allocating agency and year placed in service
PROJECT Project name
PROJ_ADD Project street address
PROJ_CTY Project city
PROJ_ST Project state
PROJ_ZIP Project zip
STATE_ID State-defined Project ID
CONTACT Owner or owner's contact
COMPANY Name of contact company
CO_ADD Contact's business address
CO_CTY Contact's city
CO_ST Contact's state
CO_ZIP Contact's zip
CO_TEL Contact's telephone
ALLOCAMT Annual dollar amount of tax credits allocated
N_UNITS Total number of units
LI_UNITS Total number of low income units
N_0BR Number of efficiencies
N_1BR Number of 1 bedroom units
N_2BR Number of 2 bedroom units
N_3BR Number of 3 bedroom units
N_4BR Number of 4 bedroom units
INC_CEIL Elected rent/income ceiling for low income units
LOW_CEIL Units set aside with rents lower than elected rent/income ceiling
CEILUNIT Number of units set aside with rents lower than elected rent/income ceiling
YR_PIS Year placed in service
YR_ALLOC Allocation year
NON_PROF Non-profit sponsor
BASIS Increase in eligible basis
BOND Tax-exempt bond received
FMHA_514 FmHA (RHS) Section 514 loan
FMHA_515 FmHA (RHS) Section 515 loan
FMHA_538 FmHA (RHS) Section 538 loan
HOME HOME Investment Partnership Program funds
HOME_AMT HOME Investment Partnership Program funds
CDBG Community Development Block Grant funds
CDBG_AMT Dollar amount of CDBG funds
FHA FHA-insured loan
HOPEVI Forms part of a HOPEVI development
HPVI_AMT Dollar amount of HOPEVI funds for development or building costs
RENTASST Federal or state project-based rental assistance contract
TRGT_POP Targets a specific population with specialized services or facilities
TRGT_FAM Targets a specific population - families
TRGT_ELD Targets a specific population - elderly
TRGT_DIS Targets a specific population - disabled
TRGT_HML Targets a specific population - homeless
TRGT_OTH Targets a specific population - other
TRGT_SPC Targets a specific population - other as specified
TYPE_ Type of construction
CREDIT Type of credit percentage
N_UNITSR Total number of units or if total units missing or inconsistent, total low income units
LI_UNITR Total number of low income units or if total low income units missing, total units
DDA Is the census tract in a difficult development area?(DDA status is based on placed in service year.)
QCT Is the census tract a qualified census tract? (For projects placed in service prior to 2003, QCT is based on 1990 Census tract. For projects placed in service since 2003, QCT is based on 2000 Census tract.)
NONPROG No longer monitored for LIHTC program due to expired use or other reason (Status of no longer being monitored for the LIHTC Program is indicated for projects as specified by the allocating agency. This does not indicate whether or not a project remains affordable to low income populations.)
DATANOTE Notes about data record changes processed for database update.
STATE2KX Census 2010 FIPS State Code
CNTY_NM2KX Census 2010 County Name
CNTY2KX Census 2010 FIPS County Code
TRACT2KX Census 2010 Tract
BG2KX Census 2010 Block Group
BLOCK2KX Census 2010 Block ID
CURCNTY_NM Current FIPS County Name
CURCNTY Current FIPS County Code
CURCOSUB Current County Subdivision Code (MCD/CC
CURCOSUB_NM Current County Subdivision Name (MCD/CC
PLACE_CC2KX FIPS Place Class Code
PLACE_INC2KX FIPS Place Incorporated Flag
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area Code
CBSA Core Based Statistical Area
CBSA_NM Core Based Statistical Area, Lowest Level N
NECTA New England City and Town Area, Lowest Le
NECTA_NM NECTA Lowest Level Name
METRO CBSA Metropolitan Area Indicator
MICRO CBSA Micropolitan Area Indicator
FCD_FIPS91 Federal Congressional District (FIPS 9.1 std.)
HLC HUD Locality Code
DPVRC DPV Return Code
DPV Delivery Point Validation(DPV) Indicator
STD_ADDR USPS Standardized Address
URB_OUT Puerto Rico Urbanization Name
STD_CITY USPS Standardized City Name
STD_ST USPS Standardized State Abbreviation
STD_ZIP5 USPS Standardized ZIP Code
STD_ZIP9 USPS Standardized ZIP+4 Code
ZIP_CLASS Type of Zip Code
ZCTA2KX Census 2010 Zip Code Tabulation Area
DPBC Delivery Point Bar Code
DPBC_CKSUM Delivery Point Bar Code, Check Digit
STD_ZIP11 Postnet Bar Code
ADDR_TYPE USPS Address Type "" - no match, "S" - House/Street match, "H" - Highrise, "P" - PO Box, "G" - General Delivery, "R" - Rural Route/Highway Contract
APT_NO Apartment Number
APT_TYPE Apartment Type; Contains the secondary address type abbreviation (Apt = Apartment, Ste = Suite, # = Apartment, RM = Room, FL = Floor, etc..)
C1PGRC General Return Code
C1PPRB Address Match Probability
C1PDRC Directional Return Code
C1PSRC Suffix Return Code
C1PARC Apartment Return Code
C1PRC9 ZIP Return Code
MSGUSPS Postal Matcher Status Message
LAT Latitude (decimal)
LON Longitude (decimal)
RC2KX Census 2010 Geocoder General Return Code
STM2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Street Matcher Return Code
LVL2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Geocoding Return Code
UR Urban/Rural Indicator
MSG2KX Census 2010 Geocoder Lat/Long Level Status
COUNTY_LEVEL 5 character combination of state and county FIPS codes
PLACE_LEVEL 7 characters. For CDBG Entitlement Cities, this is the CDBG ID. For Urban Counties and State Nonentitlement Areas, is a concatenation of state and place FIPS codes
TRACT_LEVEL 11 character combination of state, county, and Census Tract codes
BLKGRP_LEVEL 17 character combination of State, county, place, county subdivision, tract, Urban/Rural (UR), block group
SHAPE The characteristic appearance or visible form of a geographic object as represented on a map

HCV By Tract

Column Name Column Description
OBJECTID In ArcGIS, a system-managed value that uniquely identifies a record or feature.
GEOID Geographic Identifier - fully concatenated geographic code (State FIPS and district number)
EACODE Bureau of Economic Analysis region code.
EANAME Bureau of Economic Analysis region code name.
HCV_PUBLIC Count of Housing Choice Vouchers in the Census Tracts (Tracts with counts of 11 vouchers or fewer are suppressed.
HCV_PCT_RENTER_OCC_UNITS Housing Choice Vouchers as percent of Total Renter Occupied units in a tract.
SHAPE The characteristic appearance or visible form of a geographic object as represented on a map
SHAPE.AREA Area of the shape in
SHAPE.LEN Length of the shape's outer line

Fair Market Rents

Column Name Column Description
FMR_0BDR Fair market rent for efficiency apartments
FMR_1BDR Fair market rent for one bedroom apartments
FMR_2BDR Fair market rent for two bedroom apartments
FMR_3BDR Fair market rent for three bedroom apartments
FMR_4PLUSBDR Fair market rent for four bedroom apartments
FMR_AREANAME Fair market name
FMR_CODE Fair market code
SHAPE The characteristic appearance or visible form of a geographic object as represented on a map
SHAPE.AREA Area of the shape in
SHAPE.LEN Length of the shape's outer line


Q: What are the income limits for Washington?

A: Here they are:

Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA MSA PROGRAM 1 PER 2 PER 3 PER 4 PER 5 PER 6 PER 7 PER 8 PER
Seattle-Bellevue, WA HMFA FY 2014 MFI: 88200 EXTR LOW INCOME 18550 21200 23850 26450 28600 31970 36030 40090
VERY LOW INCOME 30900 35300 39700 44100 47650 51200 54700 58250
LOW-INCOME 44750 51150 57550 63900 69050 74150 79250 84350
Tacoma, WA HMFA FY 2014 MFI: 67000 EXTR LOW INCOME 14100 16100 19790 23850 27910 31970 36030 40090
VERY LOW INCOME 23450 26800 30150 33500 36200 38900 41550 44250
LOW-INCOME 37550 42900 48250 53600 57900 62200 66500 70800

Q: What's up with the coordinate format?

A: The default projection for queries is EPSG:3857. If you want lat/longs, you'll need to add the output spatial reference parameter to the query string.
{"wkid" : 4326}
Here's an example query that returns coordinates in GCS WGS 1984 which should work for most purposes.{"wkid":4326}&f=pgeojson

About PD&R

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD's) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) supports the Department's efforts to help create cohesive, economically healthy communities.

Social Links


451 7th Street S.W.
Washington, DC 20410
Telephone: (202) 708-1112
TTY: (202) 708-1455